YIDDISHE VELT - The Encyclopedia of Cleveland HistoryDie YIDDISHE VELT (Jewish World) was Cleveland's principal Yiddish-language newspaper for over 40 years. It had been preceded by the Yiddishe Tegliche Presse (Jewish Daily Press), founded on 1 May 1908 by SAMUEL ROCKER†, Adolph Haas, and Jonas Gross. Rocker sold out 2 years later and then brought out the Jewish World in 1911. Published as a weekly for the first few months, the Jewish World thereafter came out daily except Saturdays. Before the establishment of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, much of its international news was translated by the editors from the English-language press. Rocker was assisted by his son, Henry, and by LEON WIESENFELD†, a professional journalist who succeeded him as editor of the World in 1934. By the time of its silver anniversary in 1936, the World had a circulation of 16,000. Copies of its anniversary edition were sent to every Jewish family in Cleveland. A Yiddish rival, Die Yiddishe Waechter (Jewish Guardian), appeared briefly in 1922. Acquired from Henry Rocker by Robt. Herwald, the Jewish World survived World War II but reverted to a weekly schedule in 1945. When it finally halted publication on 22 Feb. 1952, it was said to have been the last of its kind outside of New York City. Last Modified: 23 Jul 1997 10:33:59 AM
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