WEATHERHEAD DIVISION OF THE DANA CORP. - The Encyclopedia of Cleveland HistoryThe WEATHERHEAD DIVISION OF THE DANA CORP., an important parts supplier for the automobile industry, was established in 1919 by Albert J. Weatherhead, Jr., who set up a shop at 706 Frankfort St. to make radiator drain cocks and priming cups for automobiles. By 1926 the plant supplied these products to much of the auto industry and had established a research department to keep pace with industry changes. Weatherhead Co. was incorporated in June 1933, and by 1936 the firm had bought the Chandler-Huppmobile plant at 300 E. 131 St. to consolidate its operations. The company began to manufacture precision aircraft components for the navy in 1937, and during World War II expanded its aviation defense work. Weatherhead's postwar expansion program included a new $250,000 research facility in Cleveland, acquisition of 6 companies between 1948-73, and a new aviation and missiles division. By 1969 sales had grown to $107 million and income to $3.5 million. Although the company suffered losses in 1970, it recovered by diversifying into industrial applications of fluid systems and into sales to truck manufacturers. In 1976 the company posted sales of $131.7 million and a net income of $4.7 million. When the Dana Corp. bought Weatherhead in 1977, the company employed more than 3,900 people in 9 plants. By 1982 the Weatherhead Division of the Dana Corp. had moved its general offices and factory to 767 Beta Dr. in Mayfield Village, and by 1987 had left Cleveland and relocated in Antwerp, OH. Last Modified: 23 Jul 1997 11:06:20 AM
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