WOMEN'S CITY CLUB - The Encyclopedia of Cleveland HistoryThe WOMEN'S CITY CLUB of Cleveland, located in the Citizens Bldg., 3813 Euclid Ave., an organization for business and professional women as well as homemakers, supports many civic, educational, and cultural projects for the benefit of Cleveland. The idea for a club where public-spirited women, including many suffragists, "could meet downtown and discuss in a friendly spirit community problems" originated with a group of women who held their first planning meeting on 18 Jan. 1916 at the Statler Hilton Hotel (now the Cleveland Plaza). In Feb. 1916 the Downtown Club merged with the new Women's City Club, establishing quarters in those of the Downtown Club in the Flatiron Bldg. and incorporating "for the purpose of . . . maintaining an open forum for the discussion of topics of civic and public interest and promoting the welfare of the City of Cleveland." In Dec. 1916 the club moved its quarters to the Stillman Bldg. In the fall of 1920, the Women's City Club amended its rules, making it possible for it to actively support and endorse such civic issues and state and federal legislation as were approved by the Board of Directors. In 1922 the club leased and rebuilt for its own use the Dreamland Dance Hall, 1826 E. 13th St., where it remained until moving to the Bulkley Bldg. in PLAYHOUSE SQUARE in 1933. The Women's City Club Foundation was established in Apr. 1948 to foster research relating to the problems of women, and in 1961 the club inaugurated the Creative Fine Arts Awards, giving recognition to Cleveland artists. In July 1971 the Women's City Club agreed to share dining and meeting facilities with the CITY CLUB OF CLEVELAND, moving first to Cleveland Civic House in the Women's Federal Bldg. and then opening new joint headquarters in the Citizens Bldg. in Jan. 1983. In 1995 Ilze Lazis served as executive director. Last Modified: 05 Jan 2010 11:31:17 PM
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