SHERIFF ST. MARKET - The Encyclopedia of Cleveland HistoryThe SHERIFF ST. MARKET was the largest food market in Cleveland until completion of the WEST SIDE MARKET in 1912. Located on Sheriff (E. 4th) St. between Huron and Bolivar roads, it opened on Christmas Eve 1891. The market was built and operated by the privately owned Sheriff St. Market & Storage Co. with Jas. M. Jones as the first president. Homer McDaniel served as market manager from 1894 until his death in 1928. With no refrigeration at the time, meat and vegetables had to be purchased fresh each day and for 45 years it was the trading place of thousands of Clevelanders, most of whom lived within walking distance. The Realty Corp. of Cleveland bought the market house in 1929 and part of the building was being remodeled as a bus terminal and garage when it was badly damaged by a fire on 9 May 1930. As a result, most of the building was torn down except for the south wing, which continued to house the Sheriff St. Market until it closed in 1936. The building was used for storage from 1936-50. It reopened on 30 Mar. 1950 as the new CENTRAL MARKET. Last Modified: 20 Jun 1997 10:28:27 AM
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