ST. HERMAN OF ALASKA MONASTERY AND HOUSE OF HOSPITALITY - The Encyclopedia of Cleveland HistoryST. HERMAN OF ALASKA MONASTERY AND HOUSE OF HOSPITALITY (St. Herman's House of Hospitality), located at 4410 Franklin Blvd. in Ohio City, was established to extend Christian charity to jobless and homeless men, and all others who may need it, without regard to race or creed. Run by the Little Brothers (and Sisters) of the Divine Compassion in affiliation with the Greek Orthodox Church, the monastery strives to create a home away from home atmosphere for men and help them straighten out their lives and find jobs. The stay is temporary and costs nothing. To qualify for admission the men must be sober and destitute. Operating entirely on private donations of money and supplies, the monastery serves 3 "fellowship" meals each day. Area volunteers help the Little Brothers prepare from 200400 meals daily. Keeping the house open costs about $80,000 a year. Medical assistance is provided by the VISITING NURSE ASSN. OF CLEVELAND. St. Herman's accommodates 22 men a night who stay anywhere from 2 days to 2 months. Once they find a job or otherwise receive income, they must leave. About 90% of the residents are referrals from county welfare, area hospitals, and other agencies. Occasionally St. Herman's will house women and children when no shelter can be found. St. Herman's founders were Fr. Gregory Reynolds (d. 1984) and Mother Mary Blossom (d. 1981) who moved here from Pleasant Hill, TN, to establish the home 27 Sept. 1977. In 1994 the monastery was headed by Abbot John Henry. Last Modified: 20 Jun 1997 10:28:24 AM
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