ROBERTSON, GEORGE A. (14 Jan. 1850-20 Feb. 1908), reporter, editor and publisher, founded and edited the CLEVELAND RECORDER (1895-97). He also acquired and ran the DAILY LEGAL NEWS as a morning edition of the Recorder. Robertson's birth place was Hampden, OH (Geauga County). Graduating from Hiram College in 1874, he became secretary to Congressman JAMES A. GARFIELD†. After this service and a year as principal of Bloomfield Academy in North Bloomfield, OH, Robertson came to Cleveland as a reporter for the CLEVELAND LEADER, which he also served as city editor and editorial writer. From the Republican Leader, Robertson went to work for the Democratic PLAIN DEALER as managing editor and Washington correspondent. Upon his return from Washington, he purchased the SUNDAY VOICE with William R. Rose; in 1889 Robertson founded the Evening Sun.
With B. F. Bower, Robertson acquired the newly-established CLEVELAND WORLD (ca. 1889) and merged it with the Evening Sun. In April 1895 Bower and Robertson sold the World to Robert P. Porter; Robertson founded the Cleveland Recorder. Mayor TOM L. JOHNSON† appointed Robertson to one term on the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections. Robertson was regarded as an authority on the history of Mormonism in Ohio as well as on the early career of James A. Garfield. His son, CARL TROWBRIDGE ROBERTSON†, was an associated editor at the Plain Dealer.
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