OHIO AMERICAN - The Encyclopedia of Cleveland HistoryThe OHIO AMERICAN was conceived as an organ of the antislavery Liberty party. The paper made its first appearance in OHIO CITY (CITY OF OHIO) on 19 Sept. 1844. Apparently subsidized by friends of the Liberty party, the 4-page weekly printed little local news other than political items and business notices. It was published by Robert B. Dennis, and L. L. Rice arrived the following summer to fill the position of editor. Dennis moved the paper to Cleveland on 6 Mar. 1845, but subsequently withdrew as publisher. EDWIN COWLES† was briefly listed as publisher on 28 Aug. 1845, when the paper was renamed the Cleveland American. Rice continued as editor, while the position of publisher was assumed respectively by M. W. Miller, Philander Winchester, and Wm. J. Tait. Sometime after the appearance of its last issue on 26 May 1847, the American merged with the DAILY TRUE DEMOCRAT. Last Modified: 21 Jul 1997 02:15:04 PM
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