MITERMILER, ANDREW ROBERT - The Encyclopedia of Cleveland HistoryMITERMILER, ANDREW ROBERT (27 Jan. 1840-10 Sept. 1896), architect who practiced in Cleveland from 1871-96 designing business blocks, social halls, breweries, and churches for CZECHS and GERMANS, was born in Chocen, Czechoslovakia, to Antonin and Maria Theresa (Minaronk) Muttermiller. He was educated at the University of Vienna as a civil engineer, and worked on the Innsbruck Tunnel in Austria. When about to be conscripted into the Austrian army, he escaped to Baltimore, Md. in 1861 where he practiced engineering before coming to Cleveland ca. 1871, working as foreman in the office of architect J. M. Blackburn before setting up his own office in 1873. By 1886, Mitermiler advertised numerous churches, breweries, halls, commercial blocks, and residences among his complete works. Among his buildings still standing in the 1980s were the Lohmann Block (1885), A. Zverina Block (1889), Rauch & Lang Carriage Works (1889), Czech Sokol Hall (1891), and Pilsner Brewery (1894). He designed the first building for ST. ELIZABETH CATHOLIC CHURCH, the first Hungarian Catholic parish in the U.S.; worked on the church of St. Mary of the Assumption, a German Evangelical church on Scranton Ave.; and did the decoration of St. Michael Catholic Church. Mitermiler was associated with another Bohemian architect, John W. Hradek, on some commissions, especially the preliminary design for the BOHEMIAN NATIONAL HALL. DOMINICK BENES† worked as an apprentice in Mitermiler's office from 1872-75. Mitermiler married Elizabeth Staral on 23 May 1869 and had 7 children, Rosa, Mrs. Elizabeth Kennedy, Julia, Andrew S., John A., Cora and Anton. Last Modified: 21 Sep 2015 06:34:37 AM
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