LEONARD, WILLIAM ANDREW (15 July 1848-21 Sept. 1930), bishop co-adjutor of the Episcopal Diocese of Ohio (1889) and 4th bishop (1889-1930), was born in Southport, Conn., to William B. and Louise D. (Bulkley) Leonard. He graduated from St. Stephen's College (1866) and received his B.D. degree from Berkeley Divinity School (1871). Ordained a deacon in 1871 and priest in 1872, Leonard began a long career in the Anglican church with a rectorship in Brooklyn, N.Y. (1872-80). His popularity with national leaders such as JOHN HAY†, made while a rector in Washington, D.C. (1880-89), helped overcome a Tractarian-versus-evangelical dispute that caused the Diocese of Ohio to vote 5 times before electing him bishop coadjutor. Although an evangelical himself, Leonard used his personal wealth to adopt the lifestyle of his neighbors on Euclid Ave.'s Millionaires' Row as he cajoled them to financially support the diocese.
Leonard founded the Free Library in Brooklyn, N.Y.; was a trustees of Kenyon College; and helped St. John's Home for Girls in Painesville. Diocesan clergy doubled, and membership quadrupled during Leonard's episcopacy. He supervised the building of Trinity Cathedral and saved Kenyon College and Bexley Hall from enrollment disasters caused by the high church-low church dispute. He was first president of Mid-West (1914-24) and presiding bishop of the church (1929, 1930). He supervised the American Episcopal churches in Europe (1897-1906).
Leonard married Sara Louisa Sullivan in 1873. The couple had no children. Leonard died and was buried in Gambier, Ohio.
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