KELLEY, DANIEL (27 Nov. 1755-7 Aug. 1831), who with his family of 6 sons were early settlers of Cleveland, was born in Norwich, Conn., to Daniel and Abigail Reynolds Kelley. He moved to Middletown, Conn. and in 1787 he married Jemima Stow, sister of a member of Moses Cleaveland's survey party that founded Cleveland in 1796 and one of the 35 original members of the CONNECTICUT LAND CO. In 1787 Kelley moved to Lowville, N.Y., acquiring considerable real estate and personal property.
In 1810, Kelley's oldest son, DATUS KELLEY†, left for Cleveland. Later that year, Joshua Stow and Jared Kirtland persuaded Kelley's son Alfred to move there with them. Sons Irad and Reynolds soon followed, leaving only sons Thomas and Daniel at home. Jemina's yearning for her sons resulted in the family's moving to Cleveland in 1814. The Kelleys were in better financial condition than almost any other settler in Cleveland. They gave $1,000 to each son to invest in land or business. In Mar. 1816, Kelley was elected to succeed his son Alfred as president of the village of Cleveland; he was reelected in 1817, 1818, and 1819. In October 1816, Kelley succeeded his son Irad as postmaster, serving until 1817. In 1816, Kelley and his sons Alfred, Datus, and Irad were among the incorporators of a company that built the first pier at the mouth of the CUYAHOGA RIVER. Upon his death, Kelley was interred in ERIE ST. CEMETERY.
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