JOURNAL OF AESTHETICS AND ART CRITICISM - The Encyclopedia of Cleveland HistoryThe JOURNAL OF AESTHETICS AND ART CRITICISM is a quarterly publication of the American Society for Aesthetics. Between 1945-80 it was published jointly with the CLEVELAND MUSEUM OF ART. In its first 4 years (1941-45), the Journal of Aesthetics & Art Criticism was published by the Philosophical Library, Inc., in New York. It is "concerned with developments in the arts (i.e., art, literature, film, architecture, etc.), art history, and relations of the artist and the arts to society." In Sept. 1945, the American Society for Aesthetics (ASA) assumed sponsorship of the Journal, and Thos. Munro, curator of education at the Cleveland Museum of Art and professor of art at Western Reserve Univ., was made editor. Munro assembled an editorial staff primarily from WRU's faculty and the staff of the museum's Education Dept. Although the Journal was never published in Cleveland, under Munro both its editorial and business offices became centered within a few years at the art museum and the university. Remy G. Saisselin, an asst. professor of Romance languages at WRU, was an asst. editor along with Merald Wrolstad from the art museum. In 1963 Munro relinquished the editorship, and the editorial offices were moved to Wayne State Univ. The Journal remained a joint publication of the ASA and the Art Museum until 1980, when the business offices were moved to Long Island Univ. In 1995 it was published by the Univ. of Wisconsin Press at Madison. Philip Alperson, professor of philosophy at the Univ. of Louisville, served as editor. Last Modified: 20 Jun 1997 10:27:55 AM
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