HOLY CROSS HOUSE - The Encyclopedia of Cleveland HistoryHOLY CROSS HOUSE for Crippled Children was established in 1903 by the Episcopalian Guild of the Holy Cross for Invalids. Its mission was to provide shelter, as well as medical and surgical care, to crippled or invalid youngsters. Besides convalescent and rehabilitative services, the home also offered its children a basic academic education, as well as vocational training. Holy Cross House accepted both boys and girls, without regard to nationality or creed. Admission was based on a medical examination. Residents suffered from a variety of disabling diseases, but polio was the most common affliction. The facility was almost totally dependent on contributions from benefactors. Parents of residents were asked to contribute to their child's support, if possible, but most children were charity cases. Administered by the Episcopalian Sisterhood of the Transfiguration, Holy Cross House was originally located on Whittier Ave., near Payne Ave. and E. 55th St. By 1915, with 25 children in residence, the facility had become overcrowded. Under the leadership of Sr. Eleanor, a capital campaign was undertaken to secure larger quarters. A total of $52,000 was raised, and this permitted purchase and renovation of a large home at 9014 Cedar Ave. Holy Cross House operated there until 1931, when declining numbers recommended another move. The Cedar Rd. facility then served temporarily as a Bible School site, and in 1935 it became an office for the Cuyahoga County Relief Administration. In April 1931, with only six children, Holy Cross House relocated to 3054 Euclid Ave., former residence of the Episcopal bishop. Its population continued to decline, however, and on 26 June 1934, the last resident was discharged. Holy Cross House officially closed on 1 July. Holy Cross House Records, WRHS. Last Modified: 20 Jun 1997 10:27:49 AM
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