CADWALLADER, STARR (11 June 1869-2 June 1926), a prominent social worker during the Progressive Era, was born in Howard, N.Y. and graduated from Hamilton College (1893) and Union Theological Seminary (1897) before coming to Cleveland as the first head resident of the newly established Goodrich Social Settlement, serving until 1905. He worked there with NEWTON D. BAKER†, FREDERIC C. HOWE†, and other young men who later became prominent in local reform and political affairs. Because of his interest in young people, Cadwallader helped establish a juvenile court in Cleveland (1902). From 1902-04, Cadwallader directed schools under Mayor TOM L. JOHNSON†, with his no-politics policy in appointing teachers and administrators causing many ward bosses to dislike him. He then became superintendent of the Cleveland Dept. of Health (1908-09) and was a member of the Ohio Board of Administration (of state institutions) under Gov. Jas. Cox.
During WORLD WAR I, Cadwallader headed the Cuyahoga County Draft Board, and in 1917 became director of the Lake Div. of the American Red Cross. He was a member of the realty firm Stein, Cadwallader & Long, which was the agent for the VAN SWERINGEN† brothers in the sale of SHAKER HEIGHTS property from 1910-17. He married Harriet E. Gomph in Utica, N.Y., on 30 July 1896; she died in New York in 1935. They had two children, Starr Jr. and Elizabeth.
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