CLEVELAND LANDMARK STRUCTURES - The Encyclopedia of Cleveland HistoryCLEVELAND LANDMARK STRUCTURES, those structures of especial historic or architectural merit, fall into two categories. There are those buildings and neighborhoods listed on the National Register of Historic Buildings, this designation being maintained at the federal level by the National Park Service. At the local level, there are Cleveland Landmark buildings and neighborhoods. This is administered by the Cleveland Landmarks Commission at Cleveland City Hall. The commission was created by City Ordinance in 1971 to preserve and protect the city's historic structures and sites. Its first meeting took place on 7 Dec. 1971. John D. Cimperman, who introduced the legislation into the council, resigned from that body in 1973 to become the first director of the commission, with Robert C. Gaede serving as chairman. Since 1984 Richard Schanfarber has served as chairman of the commission. Cimperman retired in 1989, and was replaced by Robert D. Keiser, who has served as secretary. Cleveland Landmark Structures ( 10 Kbytes )Last Modified: 14 Jul 1997 11:40:58 AM
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