CLEVELAND ADVERTISER - The Encyclopedia of Cleveland HistoryThe CLEVELAND ADVERTISER, from its first issue on 6 Jan. 1831, spelled Cleveland without the superfluous a, antedating the older Herald in that innovation by more than a year. It was established as a Whig weekly by Henry Bolles and Madison Kelley, who ran it until 1833, when it was turned over to W. Woodward and converted into a Democratic organ. On 8 Jan. 1835, the Advertiser was purchased by Horace Canfield and Timothy P. Spencer, who moved it above the post office on Superior Ave. In 1836 they followed the Herald's lead by publishing a daily edition, although the weekly kept its identity as the Cleveland Weekly Advertiser. Canfield meanwhile dropped out of the partnership, but Spencer was joined by A. H. Curtis, who became active editor of both the weekly and the daily. After the demise of the daily in 1838, Spencer appeared as sole proprietor of the weekly Advertiser until 1841, when it was published by Calvin Hall. Still a Democratic paper, its last issue apparently was that of 17 Dec. 1841. It was then purchased by the brothers Admiral Nelson and JOSEPH WM. GRAY†, who used its facilities to inaugurate a new Democratic weekly, the PLAIN DEALER, on 7 Jan. 1842. Last Modified: 11 Jul 1997 02:50:08 PM
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