BUNDY, LEROY N. (14 Apr. 1873-28 May 1943), a Cleveland dentist, was also a politician who served 4 terms as the black Republican councilman of Ward 17, and was an early leader of the Cleveland branch of the UNIVERSAL NEGRO IMPROVEMENT ASSN. (UNIA). Born in Hamilton, Ohio, to Rev. Charles and Eliza Bundy. He moved to Cleveland at an early age, was educated at CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL. Bundy graduated from the Dental School of Western Reserve University in 1904. He practiced his profession in Cleveland until the 1920s, when he entered politics, using the opportunity to oversee the newly-formed local branch of the Universal Negro Improvement Association to increase his influence. Elected to city council in 1929, in 1930 Bundy sponsored legislation to prevent the spread of tuberculosis in the E. 55th St. area and called upon city health authorities to clean up the junkyards in his ward. He was chairman of the council's Utilities Commission and wielded great influence in council later as a veteran member. In 1933, Bundy began studying law at the Law School of WRU, earning his law degree in 1936. By 1936, the dominating influence Bundy exerted at council meetings gave him power in the local Republican organization and won him recognition at the REPUBLICAN NATIONAL CONVENTION OF 1936, where he organized delegates from the southern states. Dr. Bundy and his wife, Vella, had no children. He died in Cleveland and was buried in Highland Cemetery.
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