BARDOUN, FRANK J. (3 Oct. 1905-3 Dec. 1988) was prominently involved in the affairs of Cleveland's CZECHS for more than half a century. A native Clevelander, the son of Louis and Mary Plantner Bardoun, he was a graduate of EAST TECHNICAL HIGH SCHOOL. After further study at the JOHN HUNTINGTON POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE, he embarked on a 43-year career as a metallurgist for the Park Drop Forge Co. (see PARK-OHIO INDUSTRIES, INC.). From c. 1930 to the paper's demise, he was editor of the English-language page of the Czech socialist weekly, AMERICKE DELNICKE LISTY. At about the time of his marriage to Anne E. Prudek in 1936, he undertook a lifelong service as secretary of the WORKERS GYMNASTIC UNION. For most of that period he was also secretary for the group's Taborville committee. Bardoun also served from 1944 to his death as president of Paramount Lodge #372 of the Czechoslovak Society of America. For much of that period he was on the board of trustees of the national organization. Bardoun collected and preserved a remarkable body of manuscripts and papers relating to Cleveland's Czech community which are now housed in the WESTERN RESERVE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Predeceased by 1 son, Allen E., he was survived by his wife and another son, Donald F.
Last Modified: 10 Jul 1997 05:10:56 PM- Related Article(s)