ARAGON - The Encyclopedia of Cleveland HistoryThe ARAGON was Cleveland's last surviving ballroom from the big-band era. Opened by Lloyd Harry Meyers in October 1930, it was located in a former roller rink at 3139 W. 25 St., near Clark Ave. Among the entertainers who played there to crowds of up to 2,000 were Glenn Miller, the Dorseys, Freddy Martin, Harry James, Guy Lombardo, and the Andrews Sisters. Radio broadcasts were a weekly feature, continuing into the 1960s. Though declared a historic site by the Cleveland Landmarks Commission in 1980, the dance hall had an intermittent existence following its sale by Meyers in 1987. The latest attempt to revive it, in 1991-92, proved unsuccessful. Last Modified: 20 Jun 1997 10:27:08 AM
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